How “considered creativity” can win battles with audiences and approvers

By Daniel George, Creative Director, Deputy Head of Brand, Insight and Strategy
Discover how “considered creativity” can revolutionize B2B marketing. This approach helps brands connect emotionally with cautious audiences and secures internal buy-in by focusing on relevance, distinctiveness, and measurability. Learn how to craft campaigns that challenge the status quo while delivering tangible business results.
We’ve all fought the uphill battle to convince a risk-averse business leader of the need to take a creative leap. But can you feel the tide turning?
Being dull is expensive and evidence is mounting that it brings even greater risk over the long-term than putting your head above the parapet and daring to be different.
Nowhere is this more true than in B2B sectors wherein customers may only make a purchase once every few years. Success depends on whether or not your brand is top of mind when the tender list is pulled together. Let’s face it: boring brands are rarely remembered.
And let’s not forget that B2B purchases are high-stakes emotional decisions, with audiences fearing for their jobs if they make a wrong move.
Yet too much B2B marketing is built on the assumption that these are rational decisions based on rigorous research. The temptation therefore is to avoid causing a stir. Rather than risk alienating the audience, brands play it safe and put their faith in the product to win the day.
The result? As revealed by Jon Evans at System1 Group, 78 per cent of B2B advertising can be characterized as “dull”, and rather than winning on their wits, brands are having to spend more simply to maintain their metrics. It’s a vicious cycle – caution begets caution as unconventional approaches look ever more out-there.
That’s why at Aspectus we developed an approach to creativity designed to help clients find the right idea to turn conservative audiences’ heads without turning them off – and get the idea past cautious internal approvers.
What is considered creativity?
Considered creativity is story-centric. It’s all about finding a narrative that, informed by original insight, inspires an audience to act differently. In drawing it up, score the story against three criteria.
First is its relevance – to the audience’s concerns, hopes and fears; the market and competitive context; and to whatever it is that makes the client special.
Next, ask yourself if the idea is distinct – does it stand out and stick around in the memory?
Finally, assess the extent to which the tale you’re telling will challenge the status quo. This factor is the most flexible, with clients needing differing doses depending on their own situation, but the fundamental principle is that to affect a shift in audience behavior, your narrative needs to challenge them to change something.
Get the idea right and it will be highly scalable. Considered creative campaigns can support a full-blown multichannel campaign but they can be just as easily executed as an article in the first instance and built upon once they’ve proven their merit in the media.
The trick here is to remain resolutely focused on measurability. That way you can show your stakeholders that your idea isn’t creative for its own sake – every penny spent is directed towards delivering tangible results back into the business.
That’s how to win an uphill battle.
Key Takeaways:
Q: What is the main challenge in B2B marketing?
A: Risk-averse audiences and internal approvers often resist creative strategies, leading to dull campaigns that struggle to make an impact.
Q: How does considered creativity address this challenge?
A: By focusing on narrative relevance, distinctiveness, and a measurable approach, considered creativity engages audiences and eases stakeholder concerns.
Q: Why is creativity crucial for B2B success?
A: Memorable and emotionally resonant campaigns keep brands top of mind, influencing high-stakes decisions and reducing the long-term risk of being forgettable.
Q; What’s my next step?
A: Reach out and chat to our team! As pioneers of considered creativity, we’re experts in building brands upon clever campaigns that resonate in the smallest of niches.